Sunday, April 13, 2014

Some more smokies!

We're almost out of the park! It's been a fun few days. This park is beautiful, but well traveled. We've met some really great people here too! Here are a few pictures from the past few days. 

The park thought that it would be fun to remind us how far we had to go.... But no worries- our new favorite joke is "Katadin today!". 

The shelters here hold 12+ people and you have to sleep in them unless they are full. Most nights the shelters were full. Yikes. Chuckles sandwich! Noisy nights have meant being up early enough for the sunrise.



Iron Chef, Chuckles, and Hearsay all have matching jackets. 

Not sure if this is from anyone we know, but the shelter graffiti is showing some Kzoo love.

... And Chuckles is climbing on the roof.

We'll write more when we make it out of here!!
-the laughing girls 

1 comment:

  1. Margaux! thinking of you girl! have a great time. Claudia Machado
